Sunday, February 6, 2011

Unnecessary Celebration!

ABC headline Friday Celebrates: "Good, But Is It Enough? 36K Jobs Added, Unemployment Drops to 9%".

Dave's headline: "2.2 Million Given Up Looking for Work Since Jan. 2009-- Couch Sales Soar".

IS IT ENOUGH? Here you go ABC, I will do your research for you because clearly you are too busy trying to diagnose Charlie Sheen and prepping for the next royal wedding.

* 13.9 million people remain unemployed
* In order to simply keep up with population growth, the market must add 125, 000 jobs
* U.S added 36,000 jobs. To compare, Canada added 69,000 jobs. After adjusting for population differences, the Canadian number would equate to 600,000 new U.S. jobs!
* The unemployment rate decreased from 9.4% in December to 9.0%.  Is this possible? Yes, simply means more folks gave up on looking for jobs as this rate is calculated by dividing the number of folks employed with those looking for work. When you give up, Obama magic happens! You now transition from job application to food stamp application.
* Karma note: The black unemployed rate (the same folks who give Obama a 95% approval rating) remains the highest unemployed ethnic group at 15.7%. Will their vote change in 2012-- DOUBTFUL.

What is the mainstream media cause for dismal job growth? Snow. Yup, that weather phenomenon clearly the result of global warming that is new to mankind and never existed in prior decades. Spring is 6 weeks away, can't wait for the NBC headline-- "Job Rate at 6% Due To Awesome Clear, Blue Sunny Skies". The only snow impeding job growth is the SNOW JOB coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Taking away the smoke and mirrors of this administration, this is the only chart (click on) you need to look at:

Obama's solutions:
  • $800 billion Stimu-less jobs act--view here --failed
  • Select a cabinet where only 8.1% of your members have business experience--read here--failed
  • Green economy jobs -- (see Spain- 2.2 jobs lost for each green job gained), proceed here . Failure in progress.
  • Select G.E. CEO to head your jobs committee-- see his company's 5 year performance here .Failure in progress.
Summary for us simple folk: Focus on job growth in the private sector, not the bloated government payroll and unemployment rate dropping because more citizens have given up looking for jobs. The media celebrating a decrease in the unemployment rate when you have 125,000 new monthly job hunters piling onto the 13.9 million others looking for work is like whooping it up cause you lost 3 pounds for the week and the scale only reads 602.

The only line longer than unemployment in 2012 will be the line to the polling booth. This time America--put down your bongs, see a counselor about your Hopium addiction, mute your Jersey Shores, remove your Ipod earbuds-- and do some research!

Heading to Canada...

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