Sunday, January 30, 2011

Healthcare Drama

Setting: White House Theater
Actors: Barack Obama (Portraying the U.S. President)
            Kathleen Sebelius (Director of Health and Human Services)
Attendees: 700 MTV watching, Prius driving, sandal wearing, tatooed, college students chanting "OBAMA"

Act One:

Pres: "Kathleen, America is on to us. I need your help in getting me a new message to convince the restless that Obamacare is what they need. These are the concerns that have me down":
  • The House, with bi-partisan support, voted to repeal our plan 2 weeks ago
  • 27 states have joined together to move this case to the Supreme Court
  • Real Clear Politics, an aggregate poller, still shows the majority are against our plan
  • The former C.B.O. director exposed our budget  gimmicks that we used to get to 'deficit neutral"
  • The media just disclosed to the folks that we have granted 'waivers' to 729  organizations (30% are unions) which total 2.2 million enrollees-- I thought Kathleen the media was on our side
  • The fact we collect monies for 10 years but only provide 6 years of benefits was revealed
  • We were exposed on our bogus research that embellished pre-existing conditions
Kathleen: "Mr. President, I have great news regarding a new research report that just came out Thursday. It shows that using our 2014 health exchanges will save citizens money. Want to hear the details?"

Pres: "Make it simple so I can comprehend".

Kathleen: "The research compared the standard medical benefits plan in a 2009 policy and discovered those same benefits in our 2014 structure will actually cost the insured less!"

Pres: "I knew we were right! Do you think the people will believe us now?"

Kathleen: "Mr. Pres, of course they will, look how easy it was to fool them in 2008."
Curtain closes..standing (stumbling) ovation by attendees
The government propaganda referenced is located here . The conclusion they drew (again, keeping it simple) is with all of the tax credits, subsidies, etc (monies we don't have), a 2009 benefits type plan will cost less when that same plan is purchased in 2014. Wuh-wuh, rroonngggg....

A hat tip to (usually an Obama ally) who calls 'bogus' on the research. Here is the sleight of hand--you wont be able to buy a "2009 style plan" in 2014:
  • A 2009 plan allowed life time caps on benefits, a 2014 plan will not
  • A 2009 plan did not allow you to keep your 26 yr old on your policy, a 2014 will
  • A 2009 policy could exclude pre-existing conditions or price accordingly to risk keeping their costs lower for their customers, a 2014 will not
  • A 2009 plan could allow for menu-style pricing (applicant could decline maternity coverage,drug alcohol, etc) to keep premiums lower, a 2014 plan will not
  • A 2009 plan could charge a nominal fee for traditional screenings (breast, colon, etc), 2014 plans will mandate they be 'free'

    Bottom line: With the mandate that insurance companies provide significantly different benefits by 2014 thus increasing the costs (my 2011 plan is going up 28%), the ability to buy a 2009 type plan (where consumers were able to design a plan that best met their needs and insurance companies priced accordingly) WILL NOT EXIST.

Apple meet oranges..
Facepalm meet Obama..
Smoke meet mirror...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

(SOTU) State of the Unicorn

I sat down to watch the State of the Union and a campaign speech broke out. Sixty-two minutes of my life that I will never get back and I still don't know the condition of the fifty states. I remember talking to my wife over the phone and asking what she was doing and she responded "I am watching The Biggest Loser, but it is usually two hours long, but tonite it will be only one hour due to the S.O.T.U. speech". Well honey, the Biggest Loser was indeed on TV 2 hours, it just changed hosts at 7PM M.S.T.

1) We are going to "invest" (drink) in high speed rail, said the "Luv Me The Unions-In-Chief". Yes, since government subsidized AMTRAK was such a stellar success, let's come up with a train system amped on steroids. After all,  the annihilation of the Democratic party in the November mid-terms was based upon the citizen outcry of "we want fast trains Mr.Obama"! What is it with Libs and trains anyway-- did they not get their Lionel train sets growing up?

2) The absolute "Pinocchio-In-Chief" moment of the night-- "I will veto any legislation that contains earmarks". Just last month he was ready to ink the (failed) Omnibus Bill that promised $8 billion to states. In 2009, the Prez said,  "Done right, earmarks have given legislators the opportunity to direct federal money to worthy projects that benefit people in their districts, and that's why I've opposed their outright elimination." So which is it Scooter? Shockingly, and to his credit, his own Dem. Senate Leader Harry Reid called Obama a liar on this issue, read here .

3) Ahh yes, "Lip Service-In-Chief"..."I'm willing to look at what the Republicans suggested last year: medical malpractice reform to rein in frivolous lawsuits." Wow, what a commitment--"willing to look".  This was one of the most contentious issues raised by Conservatives when Obamacare was being formulated, not a peep then, other than "we will research the issue". Trial lawyers, major political donors to Democratic candidates, are strongly opposed to caps on jury awards-- say no more, mere words.

4) "To put us on solid ground, we should also find a bipartisan solution to strengthen Social Security for future generations", Obama stated. And your solution precisely was what? Raise the retirement age-nope. Reduce the benefits-nope. Partially privatize for younger participants-nope. More empty words from "Keep the Elderly Scared of Republicans-In-Chief".

5) From the man who has added $3.2 trillion to the national debt we heard, "I am going to cut $400 billion from non-security spending over the next 10 years". It would be like me purchasing a boat, motor home, Harley, private jet and a mansion then calling the family together and breaking the sad news that I need to return the push mower back to Sears. And, all of the "investments" (drink again) he announced for monorail, green energy, education, innovation, etc. is being funded how--the Unicorn Federal Credit Union? "Mr. Sleight of Hand-In-Chief".

6) The president said: “We can start right now by correcting a flaw in the legislation that has placed an unnecessary bookkeeping burden on small businesses and that is to repeal the 1099 requirement required by the health care legislation act". The Republicans squealed about this 2 years ago. It was brought forward as an issue in the Lame Duck session with no effort to bring it forward. But now, he wants credit-- please! "Mr. Narcissist-in-Chief:".

7) We heard him blather about how the health care legislation would lower costs and how Mr. Pres does not want to rehash the past 2 years and how we should all bring forth good ideas, etc. Of course, 24 hrs later, an independent medical actuary completely contradicts "Mr. Disingenuous-In-Chief"-- read here . And what news do I get at work today-- my 21 year employer is raising our health insurance cost by the highest one year percentage ever.

Here is the real State of the Union in 62 seconds--9.4% unemployment, $3.00+ gas and rising, massive foreclosures continuing, states considering bankruptcy options, health insurance premiums being adjusted upward, $14 trillion debt, entitlement programs bankrupt and reeked with fraud, failed Stimulus, oil drilling slow down, 729 waivers granted for Obamacare, grocery prices inflating, way too many troops deployed, 27 states now engaged in appeal to Supreme Court of new health care act, wide-open borders, leaders who deceive and Iran is playing with nukes.

But hey, no worries, Dave gets to ride front cart on the Monorail decked out in his "Together We Thrive" t-shirt chanting Kumbaya across the plains of the Midwest--hawt-diggity !!

Simply, a "Commander-In-Chief" we do not have.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Don't Sit Near Me...


"Half of Americans Have Pre-Existing Health Conditions-129 Million Americans Younger Than 65 Could Be Exposed Without Health Care Overhaul" (ABC News)

I about broke my neck when I flipped off my recliner reading that headline this week. I now have a pre-existing condition. Here we go again--mainstream media and its timing to release embelished numbers to benefit their Commander-In-Chief in the middle of health care repeal. Let's break down the lunacy in this report:
  1. Age 0-65 equates to 263 million folks. So doing the math, 129 of 263 million =50+%. Conclusion they make-- every other 1st grader has a pre-existing condition. Yup. 
  2. Included in the report were individuals who had “ever been” diagnosed with arthritis, asthma, high cholesterol, obesity or hypertension…Diagnosed with asthma in the 3rd grade, you are in there! Once had high BP, welcome to the club! Big fan of Big Mac--- sit your over-sized rear on the Pre-Existing bench!
  3. "Might impact premiums" was the other clause that drove the results through the roof.  I mean if you are going for the knockout propaganda number, why stop at 50%? Let's add diarrhea, sniffles and pimples and shoot for 70% !
  4. "Repealing Obamacare could reduce the health care and health insurance options of the 50 to 129 million Americans with pre-existing conditions", the report states--- wow, what a range! (Which number did ABC use in its headline-heh).  I guess I could say my 1976 Pinto Wagon tops out between 40 and 800 mph. See the pattern though--"ever been".."might impact".."could reduce"...
  5. Most awkward quote-"15 to 30 percent will develop a pre-existing condition within the next eight years". Last time I checked, the definition of pre-existing condition didn’t include maladies that a person contracted after they were already insured, which knocks this 129 million number down by over 80%. Even switching jobs, pre-existing condition exclusions very seldom applies to workers going  from one large employer to another, which I imagine the majority of under-65 would fall in.
So who was the polling group--"Would Of-Could Of-Should Of, Inc."? Let's see..I am a white male...I tan easily....I like working out..I am a huge UT fan...I have longer, curly hair..I live in Austin...I love Sandra Bullock...hey, with a lil anti-aging cream, I MIGHT be Matthew wife soooo loves me....

Three different research reports prior to Obamacare revealed only about 1% of applicants are completely denied any form of coverage with about 10% being tagged with a higher premium. Of course, Obamacare's worshippers want you to believe that, without their 2,300-page, trillion-dollar boondoggle that takes control of 1/6 of our economy, half of America would lose their health insurance. The reality is that preexisting conditions is a problem affecting a small fraction of Americans, a problem that could be solved with a simple, one-page bill.

The perpetual pre-existing condition this administration suffers from is chronic propgandaitis. I wonder if Obamacare covers it.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Let Me Show You My Shiny New Calculator..

The Democrats screeched recently that repealing Obamacare will cost over $230 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The problem--the CBO! Very simply (as I promised I would be when I post), the CBO is nothing more than a human government calculator. They are given a set of numbers from legislators and told to 'score' the document. AT NO POINT is the C.B.O. allowed to question the legislators' assumptions. "The budget office is required to take written legislation at face value and not second-guess the plausibility of what it is handed. So fantasy in, fantasy out". Douglas Holtz-Eakin,  director of the Congressional Budget Office from 2003 to 2005.

Remember, President Obama promised he would not enact a health care act that increased the deficit in the 2010-2020 time span. Let's take a look of the CBO math shell game the Democrats created so you can better discern whether you believe repeal will "cost" $230 billion:

1) Just to implement Obamacare, the cost was estimated to be $115 billion dollars. Why so high?--159 new agencies have to be created to start up this plan--yes, that was 159 new, sparkling, well-managed, hyper-efficient Federal agencies. The $115 billion was omitted in the C.B.O. document. Yes, imagine you starting up a company and your startup costs are simply, uhhh, uhhh, irrelevant?

2) They would begin taxation in 2010, but the majority of benefits would not begin until 2014. The Democrats quite impressively deceived you by collecting money for 10 years, but offering benefits for 6 years. Can you imagine any public company selling that bill of goods to their stockholders?

3) The biggy ! The legislation proposed to trim $463 billion from Medicare spending and use it to finance insurance subsidies. Although the legislators had no specific reforms in how they were going to stop the red ink monster known as Medicare, they just asked to be trusted to make Medicare efficient and fraud-free. Bwahahaha- "If we can dream it, they will believe it", said the trusted Democrat.

4) What is the "Doc Fix"? A complex Medicare reimbursement formula (I promised not to be complex so no elaboration). Bottom line, in 2010 alone, that amount was $15 billion. Experts say for next decade $200 billion is a reasonable estimate. Well, lo and behold, the legislation omitted the Doc Fix to the CBO. See the hypocrisy--we can pretend we are going to save you $463 billion (see section #3) and we will score that--but when we have hard, historical numbers of $200 billion, let's not use them. Pathetic.

5) "OK guys, we are still short $19 billion to make this deficit neutral, what do we do?". Well, we will take over financing school loans, which will save us $19 billion, and, wolahh, solved. Yes, they included their takeover of federal school loans into Obamacare and applied it toward their goal of cost savings. Yes, Americans, school loans and health care are now the same thing!

So, quick 6th grade synopsis to make Obamacare cost neutral:
  • $115 billion to start the program but omit those numbers from CBO scoring
  • Collect money for 10 years, pay benefits 6 years
  • Promise to trim $463 billion from Medicaire without any plan, accountability or consequence if numbers are not met
  • Spend over $200 billion for Medicaire physicans, but omit those numbers from scoring because Medicaire is, what, pet care?
  • Add the school loan savings to the health care act because, after all, schools have nurses, or something.
(If you want to see a snapshot of the tax tidal wave that will drown us with the mandate of Obamacare, you can go here )...

PS: Although I prepped this post almost 2 weeks ago, lo and behold, what appears today in the Wall Street Journal--"It's all about budget gimmicks, deceptive accounting, and implausible assumptions used to create the false impression of fiscal discipline". Who said that--former C.B.O. director. Link is here.

So there you go, when you hear "CBO", from any politician, it is simply garbage in, garbage out. If you believe that a new health-care entitlement saves us money, head out to the end of the rainbow and pick up your pot of gold....

/S/ dave

Monday, January 17, 2011

Stool Sample...

In my very first blog post, I mentioned the frustration of the left-tilted media. I promised to expose their deception on major stories. Let's proceed.

Yesterday, I saw a headline provided by the Associated Press, or as I call it, Associated to the Pres., stating "Opposition to Obamacare Decreases". Based upon an AP/GFK poll, it found that 41 percent of respondents oppose the law, while 40 percent support it. In November after congressional elections, opposition was 47 percent. in a matter of a few weeks, opposition goes from 47 to 41%-- almost a 20% decline, when the legislation has not changed? This story makes headlines the week before the GOP will repeal Obamacare in the House, 2nd helping of hummm..

Here is the snake oil. Two weeks before the November election, AP-GFK polled and ACCURATELY forecasted voters leaning to vote Republican 48% to Democrats 42%, which was spot on. Congratulations. In this poll, their sample was: likely and registered voters.

Fast forward 6 weeks and poll on another political issue, Obamacare. Poll sample: 1,001 adults. As a result of using "adults" vs. "likely and registered voters", Democrat leaning adults stayed at 42% (the same sample as the November elections), but Republican sampling dropped to 36% (instead of the November sample of 48%  Republicans).  The magical headline that results when AP-GFK polls less Republicans-- "Opposition to Obamacare Decreases".

Question-- If you were spot on accurate with your political poll in November, what would be your motivation to change your sampling data when you have another political-related poll six weeks later?  Draw your own conclusion. With a vote coming on Obamacare this week, the Associated Press is spreading frosting on the turd.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Color Me Suspicious

“We are not a collection of Red (Republican) States and Blue (Democrat) States — We are the United States of America"-- Barack Obama, January 3, 2008.

The national flag of the United States of America (the "American flag") consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alternating with white, with a blue rectangle in the canton.

The school colors for the University of Arizona are cardinal red and navy blue.....

The memorial service (turned pep rally) to mourn and honor those killed and injured during an assassination attempt in Tucson, Ariz., which killed six and injured 13, including U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords was held Wednesday at the University of Arizona.  60,000 T-shirts were distributed in an effort to "unite Tuscon and the USA". Blue and white? Was there a shortage of red ink? Perhaps it had all been consumed by Obamanomics.

You draw your own conclusions, but my pea-brain that politically matured at the 6th grade concludes another moment of abysmal optics.
  • The University of AZ admits to the T-shirts being their idea,that I will concede. But why only blue and white? There is absolutely no doubt the White House with their security, marketing, logistics team, etc.that arrives in advance of the President with all of their expertise was very aware of the T-shirt promotion--but NO ONE from this administration can intervene and say "Hey, what do you think about RED, white and blue?" Failed leadership.
  • While in full denial the "Together We Thrive" was not and will not be part of their next campaign efforts, what do we find over at Obama's own blog? Yes, the author is only a contributing writer and yes the site has the disclaimer "content may not represent our campaign". But if you are adamant this was not your campaign launch, why would you not strike this entry from the President's own web site and eliminate any doubt? Courage anyone? Failed leadership.
  • While I believe the President did an admirable job reading a prepared speech from the teleprompter, what was with the hoot and hollering at a memorial service? Clapping? Standing ovations? Allowing 'booing' of their own governor? We have the Jumbotron displaying the word "applause" for the deaf in attendance-seriously! I was just waiting for the Wildcat cheerleaders to launch into "Give me an "O", give me a "B", etc.At no time does the President intervene and ask for the inappropriate behavior to cease and to remind the attendees of the sadness and sorrow many may be experiencing. Instead, it was written off as "what did you expect of college students"? Failed leadership.
  • What did Obama just remind the Republican leadership LAST WEEK to do--"There will be plenty of time to campaign for 2012 in 2012. Our job this year is to make sure we build on our recovery". But yet today we find out the White House states they will announce their 2012 campaign team later this month as they need the extra time to raise $1 billion dollars. Failed leadership. 

“Together We Strive!” is the new “Yes, We Can!”. T-shirts available ONLY in blue, unless you are a union member, then we will gladly offer up purple. When all you know is how to campaign, everything becomes a campaign......

And for those who have forgotten what a memorial service should look like INVOLVING A COLLEGE CAMPUS, take a view of George W. Bush as he offers up his condolences to the friends and families of the tragic Virginia Tech shooting that claimed 32 lives several years ago:

See the difference, hear the difference?....

Remember-- Tuesday, November 6, 2012....

/S/ dave

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dr. Seuss, new State Dept Director

Who can forget the mischievous Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the beloved Dr. Seuss books? Well, clearly, the State Department is well read in the Cat in the Hat. So much so they are proposing deleting "Father" and "Mother" from passport applications and replacing it with "Parent 1" and "Parent 2". Sickening.

The State Dept.s explanation: “We find that with changes in medical science and reproductive technology that we are confronting situations now that we would not have anticipated 10 or 15 years ago".  Translated: This group votes Democrat, let's toss 'em a bone. Gender neutrality on the form accomplishes what? So for the sake of 5% of the population (gays who adopt, medically induced births, etc) we are going to offend the other 95%? Yes, men and women procreating and giving birth to God's gifts is so, so yesterday. 

The simple thought of leaving "Father" and "Mother" and adding "Guardian" a couple times--why wouldn't that have worked? Oh, I know, the committee formulated to research this monumental crisis facing this country would not have been able to rake in their coin.

The reality of left-wing liberalism is always the same-- big heart meets unintended consequences. The sad reality is 50% of all children will have a step parent. So, here we go with a revision:
Unintended consequence #1:
Parent 1-
Parent 2-
Parent 3- 

What about 'first place' syndrome? Bubba and Buffy are at the post office filling out their app with the postal worker. When asked "who will be Parent 1?", the fight ensues as Buffy wails on Bubba as she wants to be numero uno on the passport form. Buffy gets one year probation for domestic violence.
Unintended consequence #2:
Parent 1- Bubba  Buffy
Parent 2- Buffy Bubba

In my work world, many of our phone calls start out as "can you send the po-po to my house my baby's daddy is here and I want him out!".
Unintended consquence #3:
Parent 1- Baby's daddy
Parent 2- Eternal victim 

If you are a child of a progressive..
Unintended consequence #:
Parent 1- Public school system
Parent 2- HDTV

Oh yes, let one not forget medical science as the State Dept asserts. So, if you are the product of artificial insemination, In-Vitro, etc...
Unintended consequence #5:
Parent 1- Turkey Baster
Parent 2- Doctor

Next year, the entertainment industry will demand equal consideration and request "Parent 2 Dearest" be the new movie title. "Parent 1 Was A Rolling Stone" will be re-released as a chart buster. Franklin Graham will preach on "Our Parent 1 Who Are In Heaven".

Gotta run folks, youngest son is calling Parent 1...adios...


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Nice Work Spendocrats!

This morning we said good riddance to the Kleptocrat-led 111th Congress and the fiscal destruction they left behind. May I remind you..."when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely". Barack Obama Sept 26, 2008. Let's see how well he and his minions did.
  • When the Democrats took control of Congress on January 4, 2007, the national debt stood at $8.6 trillion, on their last day- $13.9 trillion.
  • The U.S. government accumulated more new debt during the tenure of the 111th Congress than it did during the first 100 Congresses combined.
  • $54,000 is being added to the national debt every second.
  • If we had to call the national debt 'due immediately', every man, woman and child of the U.S. would have to arrange a payment of $44,886.57.
  • Unemployment January 2007  4.6%, December 2010  9.8%. (yes, doubled, even though they promised to use $867 billion to create jobs).
  • 19.2% approval rating

The Hope and Change You Voted For ?

In her departure statement as she hands over the gavel, Nancy Pelosi, leader of the House and one of the three stooges responsible, stated "Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra". The response from ABC, NBC and CBS as to her blatant lie....crickets...

(PS: For all of the "But Bush" crowd: Bush (irresponsibly) added 4.9 trillion in EIGHT YEARS, Obama and his disciples 5.2 trillion in THREE YEARS).

Monday, January 3, 2011

It's ONLY 9 million people...

The IRS is asking taxpayers who itemize their tax return (yes, you mortgage interest, real estate taxes, charitable deduction folks) not to file until mid/late-February.

Ahh yes, more evidence of the folks who are going to run and enforce your health care at work! The IRS announced on Sunday (how convenient on a holiday weekend, huh?) they are asking for your patience. It seems like some certain Congress (that would be the 111th, lowest rated evah) procrastinated (insert your surprise look) in making a decision to extend the Bush tax cuts which has resulted in the need to reprogram their computers.

The Bush tax cuts were enacted in 2001 with a KNOWN EXPIRATION DATE OF 2010. Instead of discussing this before the November mid-term elections to allow the IRS ample time to program their computers with the changes, the Democrat leadership delayed them (intentionally).

In reality, this is not a huge deal UNLESS you are one of the estimated NINE MILLION people who are routinely able to gather your financial docs quickly and submit them for early processing. Not a huge deal UNLESS you are one of the 15 million unemployed groping for every dime. So you early birds will just have your return mixed in with the other 31 million itemizers who normally file after late Feb. further creating a delay for all of us as the IRS runs 40 million itemized returns together after March 1st.

As a remedy, the IRS (ridiculously) suggests to file a return in claiming your standard deduction and get whatever amount that results in sent back to you as a refund. Then, once the computers are aligned, send an amended tax return (with your itemized figures) for the balance of your refund. Real simple, because all of us know how easy the 1040X is to muddle through or how much we enjoy paying our accountant twice. 

Of course, since it is no fault of your own and the intentional consequence of our foot dragging Congress critters, they have announced a compensation package. The details are as follow-- "We are sorry".

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Obama Christmas Playcation- great time, YOUR dime

Pres Obama: Hey MeShell, Malia, Natasha-- over here. What would you all think of a Hawaiian Christmas vacation at a luxury estate?

Malia: Daddy, can we really afford that? Will you be using part of the $5 million from your book sales to pay for this?

Pres Obama:Well honey, I actually spent most of that money for attorney fees protecting the release of my birth certificate and college transcripts.

Malia: So how do we pay for it daddy? You promised the people you were going to be a different kind of president, daddy. Please don't tell me the American people are paying for OUR family Christmas vacation at a PRIVATE home for TEN days.

Pres Obama: Malia, don't you have some homework?

Malia: Daddy, I am on Christmas break.

Pres Obama: Malia, go help your mom tend to the garden.

Malia: Daddy, it's winter-- we don't have a garden.

Door slams...Obama exits I-pod playing "Moving on up to the east side, we finally got our piece of the pie"..

Let's count the ways in which this trip is beyond absurd:
  1. 10 day KNOWN cost is $1.4 million dollars. The unknown costs include pre-arrival security assessments, travel abroad for early arriving staffers, office rental, security enhancements for the public nature of the rental property, etc.
  2. The actual locale reeks of pompousness. We are talking about a 7,000 square foot private home with 5 bedrooms, 5 baths and lagoon-style pool that rents at an average of $3500  daily. Why could he not have stayed at a nearby military base at a much lower cost and more secure, as did Pres.Clinton? Simple, in his mindset, he is royalty.
  3. Perhaps the most insane part of this trip--Queen MeShell desired to leave a couple days early and would not wait for Air Force One and her husband. The cost, at minimum, was estimated to be $63,000 (that is way too low), to get herself and kiddos on the tropical island 2 days early in a separate quasi-737 jet! May I remind you, these are the folks who tell you they are concerned about their carbon footprint.
  4. Let's step aside and concede the opposing viewpoint of "well Dave, all Presidents spend this kind of money for vacation travel". How about the decency angle. Unless all of his travel team are hand-picked orphans, would it not be the more compassionate route to allow his staffers and security entourage to enjoy the holiday period with THEIR families? Seriously. Why did they simply not stay in D.C. or head over to Camp David--something the elder Bush and Clinton managed. Or could he not have done something as reasonable as Dubya did, head home!
  5. As of November 2010, we had 15.1 million people unemployed-- what kind of holiday season did they have? Who on July 26, 2010 said "As the first couple, we are not that far removed from what most Americans are going through.”? The optics on this are terrible. So hey there Mr. Unemployed, enjoy slurping up your Ramen soup from that bowl your wife shoplifted at the thrift store while the Presidential family snacks on shrimp cocktails and hangs ten with the locals.
  6. The final kicker--he arrives, and, of course, wants to EXTEND his vacation another 2 days-- ante up some coin you peasants!                                             
Oh yes, he’s a real stickler for careful spending, that Obama.  Stay there and save us a ton of bank. And, while you are disrupting local traffic flow, swing by the Dept of Health's office and see the Birth records clerk at window number 3, Gov. Abercrombie has a long form awaiting you.

Malia for (school) President!

    Saturday, January 1, 2011

    The Return to Blogging- 2011

    This wouldn't have been needed if Facebook did not limit one to 420 characters :)

    The purpose: a place to expel my pent up feelings about the deceit of today's administration and the complete uselessness of the 'alphabet media' (NBC, ABC, CBS, etc). My wife probably believes this will also benefit my blood pressure.

    Format: To write it at a 6th grade level, not to insult your intelligence, but to keep your interest and understanding of the topic. Politicians master in confusion, resulting in your disinterest and prompting you to go out and vote how your daddy taught you.

    Political leanings: First, I am NOT a registered Republican nor a Tea Party member, although my values certainly concur more with them than the alternative. Although I appreciate her candidness, moxie and family values, I will not be supporting Sarah Palin for any effort to win the GOP Presidential nomination and would even be open to a look at Evan Byah, former Democratic governor of Indiana. Are we green--yup, 100% fiscally conservative! Oh--the other green--well, we raise our own chickens, have 2 gardens, collect our rainwater, line dry our clothes and have a compost bin, so yes, a light shade of green. So, call me a tweener right-leaner!

    Goal: To awaken you for November 2012 so we do not repeat our mistake of 2008.

    There, I double-checked, nothing a 12 year old could not understand....let's get it started!