Monday, April 11, 2011

A closer look inside the budget deal...

While it is a start, it is a paltry one as the $38 billion dollar budget cut represents only .27%, yes, POINT 27 per cent, of our $14 trillion dollar debt. This is the equivalent of 4 days of our current Federal spending, yes, 4 days. Bringing it closer to home, it would be like momma celebrating a cut in the food budget by informing the family the Twinkies got evicted from the grocery cart.

To no one's surprise, Sir Narcissism flew up to the podium in his Super Unicorn cape to inform the public of this 'historic' accomplishment. It resembled a street sweeper showing up and asking the folks "did you enjoy the parade I organized for you?". Uhhh, Mr. President, the only thing 'historic' was your failure NOT to propose a budget that was due BY LAW last October 2010, the first time in 36 years a budget had not been submitted by Congress. Furthermore, you only wanted a spending 'freeze' (read: zero cuts) and your party screeched $6 billion in cuts was 'extreme' and rolled out the usual "granny is gonna have to recycle her Depends, gran-pappy is going to have to pour Purina into his cereal bowl" blathering-- and now you want the glory?

While I am disappointed in the budget 'trim', I am elated about several other pieces of legislation included in the budget deal not being covered by Obama's knee-pad media. Let us review:
  • DENIES ADDITIONAL FUNDING TO THE IRS.  The Obama administration had sought increased federal funding for the IRS – money that could be used to hire additional agents to enforce the administration’s agenda on a variety of issues, including Obamacare. This increased funding was denied in the agreement.
  • BANS TAXPAYER FUNDING OF ABORTION IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.  The agreement includes a complete ban on local and federal funding of abortion in the District of Columbia, applying the pro-life principles of the Hyde Amendment. Yes, the infamous Hyde Amendment, the one Obama refused to add to Obamacare legislation but still wants you to believe that no Federal funding will go to covering abortions.
  • GUARANTEES SENATE VOTE ON REPEAL OF OBAMACARE-   Yes, their signature legislation (that of course, no one ran on in November 2010) must now be openly discussed by all 23 Senators up for election in 2012. The GOP campaign ad writers should be drooling over the potential material that will arise from this debate. "So Mr. Democratic Senator, now that the CBO has said your product is not cost neutral, now that the majority of voters surveyed oppose Obamacare, now that Americans have experienced an average 17% increase in premiums, now that the administration is handing out 'waivers' like free condoms, explain to your constituents why you support this travesty. Take as much time as you need."
  • GUARANTEES SENATE VOTE & DEBATE ON DE-FUNDING PLANNED PARENTHOOD- As with Obamacare, this should be another lively debate. "So Mr. Democratic Senator, from the party that wants to spend every spare dollar (that we do not have) to save every baby seal, explain to America why we should fund the baby-killing, abortion factory known as Planned Parenthood. Talk away, God is listening."

Now that the 2011 appetizer budget has been consumed, off to the main course-- 2012 and Paul Ryan's (R-WI) Road to Prosperity proposal combined with the discussion to raise our debt ceiling. READERS, DO NOT FORGET, THEN SENATOR OBAMA OPPOSED RAISING THE DEBT LIMIT IN 2006. But, as with everything else that he has spewed, it too has an expiration date.

As we move forward, the Democrats are wiping off the dust from their ever-ready Post-It notes that say run to the media and chant "tax breaks are evil", "the rich will get richer" and "Baby Pookie will lose weight when his food stamps are severed". For their opposition,  I pray the GOP is doing one thing--attaching an amendment that will say "We will approve raising the debt ceiling in exchange for repealing Obamacare, otherwise, NO". While Dave dreams, America awaits.

650 long days left...

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