Monday, May 16, 2011

(Oil) Slick Lies!

On my drive to the Austin airport, my wife quipped "what are you thinking about?" It's a game you start after your 20th anniversary when you think the conversation tank has dried up. My response "ahh, just trying to calculate gas mileage in my head". To which she replied, "what is it going to take to get the price to come down?"

Here is what is going to take-- JOURNALISM! The media that needs to call out the President on his deception and lies. Anyone else sick of the headline recently "Big Oil Companies' Profits at Record Highs"? If news reporting had any sense of integrity, these would be the questions they would present to President OILbama:

Obama: "I am directing my administration to ramp up U.S. oil production by extending existing leases in the Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska’s coast and holding more frequent lease sales in a federal petroleum reserve in Alaska".
Reporter with a backbone: "Is this new change in attitude tied to the fact your "I Assassinated Bin Laden Victory  Tour" is now over as has been demonstrated by your approval ratings dipping back below 50%? In reality Mr. President, you are only extending existing leases instead of approving new areas to drill, hardly an accomplishment that will result in lower gas prices".

Obama: "We now have all time high number of oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico".
Reporter with a backbone: "Mr. Pres, your statement is partially correct, but very deceiving. What you did not reveal is the number of PRODUCING oil rigs. Four days prior to the Deepwater Horizon explosion, we had 55 working rotary rigs, we now have 25 working rigs in the Gulf."

Obama:  "Oil production from federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico reached an all-time high.”
Reporter with a backbone: "According to the Energy Information Agency, domestic offshore oil production will fall 13 percent in 2011, a loss of about 220,000 barrels/day, mainly due to the continued lack of permits for the Gulf of Mexico. Do you really think fuel prices would be at near record highs if our supply was also at record highs? Do you routinely struggle with logic Mr. President?"

Obama: “We can’t escape the fact that we control only 2% of the world’s oil.”
Reporter with a backbone: "Your 2% figure comes from the oil fields where we currently have authorization to drill. You fail to mention the 10 billion barrels available in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the 86 billion barrels available offshore in the Outer Continental Shelf and the 800 billion barrels of oil we have locked in shale in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado. Barry, if we released those fields to production which total 3x the size of Saudi Arabian reserves, do you not think it would have a drastic impact on reducing our fuel costs?"

Obama: "We are going to loan Brazil $2 billion to explore and drill off their shores and then we are going to be one of their biggest customers."
Reporter with a backbone: "Let me understand this, you oppose drilling from our resources due to environmental, lefty whacky-doodle concerns, but yet encourage another country to do it by loaning them money we are going to have to borrow from China and then telling we will buy from them. Mr. President, are you routinely this hypocritical?"

Obama: "I think the $4 billion we provide to oil companies in forms of a subsidy should stop immediately and should be directed toward green energy research."
Reporter with a backbone: "Mr President, do you understand oil companies DO NOT receive any special subsidies, they are merely complying with a tax code that is uniform to all corporations--you know, just like G.E.! So if we cut subsidies immediately (translated-change the tax code), do you not think the producer would pass on that financial loss in the form of a price increase to consumers at the gas pump and worsen our situation ? Barry, did you study any courses involving economics in your college days or were you just busy experimenting with cocaine?

Obama: "When oil companies are making huge profits and you’re struggling at the pump, and we’re scouring the federal budget for spending we can afford to do without...”
Reporter with a backbone: Research consistently shows oil companies net profit per gallon is 8.5 cents. On the other hand, the Federal tax collects 59 cents per gallon. AND IT IS OIL COMPANIES YOU WANT TO ATTACK? In 2008, the average net profit margin for the S&P Energy sector in 2008 was 9.7% while Google reported a net profit margin of 25% in that same quarter AND ITS OIL COMPANIES YOU WANT TO ATTACK? Oil companies have profits of $35 billion in one quarter but the Fed. govt has a national debt of $14.3 trillion dollars AND IT IS OIL COMPANIES YOU WANT TO ATTACK?

And where is the gas price the highest at $6.03 per gallon--H A W A I I-- you know, the state that may have given birth to this clown and voted him into office in 2008 by large margins. Umm--umm-umm, "waiter, can you super-size my heaping bowl of Karma soup!"

To conclude, yet one more example of a President who is in office to pick winners and losers and a shotgun-riding media who straps on their knee pads each day to bow down to the Boy King. These energy policies are making it hard on the very people the Libtards say they are out to protect, the low and middle class-- more karma. The bottom line-- the only thing this President drills for are for votes. 

Here is a great 1 minute video the opposition needs to run starting today:

...616 more days....

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