Wednesday, July 13, 2011

President Scarecrow

When you know you have no solution and you know your economy continues its nosedive, who do you call-- CBS News. Yes, the Covering up Barack's Screwups network quickly accommodated his request to run cover for him, as per usual.

Yesterday, during the interview, President Barack Insane Obama stated the following: "Well this is not just a matter of Social Security checks, these are veterans checks, these are folks on disability, their checks. There are about 70 million checks that go out --I can not guarantee those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it".

Translation: "Nice Social Security check you have there, it would be a shame if something happened to it".

When all else fails, let's play the "scare" card. Let's pick winners and losers. Let's take hostages. Let's have class wars. Sound familiar? Can you say "Stimulus", "Obamacare" or "Bailout". When you are a Magna Cum Laude graduate of the Chicago School of Thuggery, that is all you have left to play. Your arrogance King Obama will be your undoing.

Here is a simple look at the Treasury's forecasted revenue for August:
Income- $172 billion.
Expenses- $307 billion.

Monthly Line Items-
Medicare/caid- $50 billion
Social Security- $49 billion
Military Troop Pay- $3 billion
(Remaining obligations)- $205 billion (Yes, a whole different blog post, but let's move on).

$102 billion for those 3 line items with $172 billion forecasted revenue. ANY DECISION TO NOT PAY THESE FOLKS RESTS AT THE HANDS OF ONE BARACK INSANE OBAMA!

And while you are busy with your scare-a-thon, stop food stamps and welfare checks. Let the parasite class the Liberal agenda has been cultivating know the harsh reality of a bankrupt government for a few months and then ask them if they now favor working out solutions.

I know personally of two blog commenters and my airport shuttle driver who got frantic calls from their parents as they heard this come out of the President's orifice. Even today, at a Senate Hearing, to alleviate concerns from the masses, the head of the Treasury Dept. had to state "Unless the President is making this a political decision, there will be money on Aug. 3rd to pay entitlements".

Just this morning, a Gallup poll confirmed: 42% of American OPPOSE RAISING THE DEBT CEILING while 19% favor raising it--so of course, President Contrarian supports what the people oppose (see Obamacare). As to the other 1/3 polled, they had no opinion-- they were probably too busy looking for their next meal to focus on such trivial issues.

No surprise today also from a Rasmussen poll , Election 2012- Generic Republican 48%, Obama 43%. That's right, a ticket of SpongeBob Squarepants/Moldy Loaf of Bread boots out Comrade Obama.

Maybe after yesterday's quote, Americans will finally wake up. Your Social Security and Medicaire payments that you so diligently paid into the system never went to the lock box. Your military contract has no value. If that doesn't concern you, maybe losing your tax-free/deferred status of your 401s, 403, IRA's will-- that is the final pot of gold the Kleptocrat Party will be after next, MARK MY WORDS!

Serial liar. Could I despise him less? I submit that I cannot.

556 days.

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