Wednesday, July 27, 2011

McNanny State

Aren't we all excited that First Dietitian Michelle Obama is enthralled with the revamping of the McDonald's Happy Meal. French fries' portions are reduced. Out with the apple caramel dip and in with fresh apples. Why- because the consumers government decided it would be best. McMoochelle added "McDonald’s has continued to evolve its menu, and I look forward to hearing about the progress of today’s commitments, as well as efforts in the years to come.” Years to come? Banana split with no ice cream? Out with fruit juice boxes, in with wheat grass? McTofu Burger? 

Did I miss a phone call from Dr. Spock ? Last I recall, my Happy Meal aged kids never placed a single order. They were too busy launching themselves off the slide into the germ-filled ball pit while I let Sally know what I wanted. The government must think as parents we approach the counter and inquire, "Sally, can you help me out, I am a bit retarded with my pubic education and all. I am looking for a healthy choice--would you recommend to me the Sausage McCellulite or the bowl of Cheerios with a carton of milk?"

Let me be clear, I am a proponent of good eating choices. My wife can vouch that I don’t bring a shovel to the dinner table. She focuses our diet on REAL foods. We have two garden areas. My Colorado family will attest to my Healthy Choice dinners. I am aware of my height/weight proportions. It takes discipline, not governance.

What I am against is the spending of umpteen dollars by the destitute Federal 
government to influence and educate on us on areas we should have grasped as 2nd graders. I trust allocated funding by our States as well as our local school systems will be directed toward making wise decisions. There are passionate folks out there, ala Jamie Oliver and even a high school friend of mine who are committed to the cause. We do not need legislation mandating salt removal from restaurant tables, mandatory posting of nutrition content on drive-thru menu boards and a hypocritical First Lady trying to impose her ways on the fast food industry.

We get it---sugar-bad, salt-bad, fat- bad, couch potato-bad. We don’t need a 51st state- McNanny. Can we get a compromise-- fried apple pie please.

More ridiculous waste. The USDA recently spent $2 million dollars (from the spare change drawer) to create this new food chart, also known as the Michelle Hierarchy of Feeds. Seriously, is this not ground-breaking? Let's create a PIE chart for healthy eating.Who would have known this without a $2 million dollar commitment! You could have offered that challenge up to a 2nd grader and offered a Ding Dong as a reward.

Government intervention in obesity prevention efforts has been an abysmal failure. Their biggest undertaking was the Nutrition Education and Label Act of 1990. Yes, nutrition labels began 21 years ago. America now ranks 9th amongst the Fattest Countries list with 74.1% of citizens over 15 years old being overweight. Wow- Americans don't read fine print--who would of thunk? I am a proud statistic, one too many Happy Meals growing up is where I place my blame.But let me guess, this will be the rhetorical response from the Left: "But Dave, if not for these efforts, we would probably ranked even higher". Yes, the same mentality that brought us the "jobs saved or created" figure Obama loves to boast about.

In closing and breaking off the wire, we have the first reaction of the new McDonald's change. Heart-breaking for Lil Johnny man.

Oh well, with the debt crisis about to bankrupt us as the two parties form their plans of deception, I am sure Happy Meals will be off limits to the family budget regardless.

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