Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Any HOPE for reelection is circling the drain. Let's visit the recent deceit and scandals of the Obama administration of the past 10 days. And, as you read each one, precede it by thinking "What if George Bush would have done this?" ...

1) Solyndra- The Bush administration effectively says "no way" to the application from this solar fiasco. Along comes the Obama thugocracy who agree to a below industry loan rate and hands out a half-billion dollars of taxpayer money, AGAINST the desires of their own evaluation team. One model shows bankruptcy forecasted for Sept 2011--take one guess when they went paws up? Guess what executives are pleading the 5th amendment at the upcoming Congressional hearings? Timeline here .

2) Fast and Furious- The one scandal that should absolutely lead to impeachment. In my best Larry the Cable Guy voice, "I have an idea'er. Let's allow gun dealers along the Mexican borders to sell automatic weapons to illegals and to the hood. We will tell Americans we are tracking them to eventually prove how evil guns are so we progressives can institute tighter gun laws. What could go wrong?" Only one MINOR problem, the administration was unable to follow the weapons. RESULTS: 200 innocent victims dead in Mexico along with one U.S. Border Patrolman at the hands of these weapons. Excellent summary here .

3) Lightsquared- A four starred general has indicated the White House tried to pressure him to change his testimony involving a pet project of the Obama administration. Essentially, General William Shelton was asked to reword his opinion involving bandwidth interference being caused by Lightsquared, a satellite broadband company and, of course, A LARGE OBAMA DONOR. Ya see, Lightsquare's signal has a high probability of disrupting the less powerful GPS beams which might be a weeney-teeney problem when the Boeing 767 is on final approach on a foggy night and his guidance system goes kappoey. Just a lil problem the General was trying to relay to President I Don't Care.  Scandal here .

4) (Save My) Jobs Bill- It turned out to be exactly as was suspected--an attempt to present a dead on arrival bill to make the GOP appear as obstructionists. One unexpected issue, the Democrats in the Senate won't pass it either as it is written. A backfire bigger than Hillary's ankles and Moochelle's rumpus combined! Obama wanted bi-partisan agreement and got it--the House and Senate both dislike it.

5) Millionaires Blah Blah- "Middle class families shouldn't pay higher taxes than millionaires and billionaires", Obama said Monday. Even the Obama loving Associated Press called out President Class Warfare on this boldface lie. Once again, those pesky things called facts-- IRS statistics in 2009 showed 98% of all millionaires paid more income tax than the lower income bracket folks.Details here  and here . And if you really need a stat to share with your libtard friends, how about this-The Top .1%, yes Point One Percent, pay in more than the bottom 80%, view here . Once again, another pure rant from King Strawman.

6) "Confidence Men"- The book outlining the abuse former Obama female staffers received in the White House was released this week by Pulitzer winning author Ron Suskind. Before you rush to conclude Ron is probably Rush Limbaugh's brother-in-law, he is not. As a matter of fact, Mr. Suskind also authored some not so kind memoirs of George W. Bush.

7) Chicago Tribune- When your homey town newspaper says it's time for you to hit the links full time, perhaps it is. It's just too bad the press is 3.5 years late to the party. Read here .

8) Marist Poll- Or as I prefer, the Marxist Poll, has revealed Marxism is extremely unpopular.His lowest rating ever shows him at a 39% favorability rating. It looks like his Jobs Bill gave him a dead armadillo bounce in the polls. Poll here .

9) Nevada Obama Stench- An insider with the Nevada Democratic Party gave this campaign advice this week: "DO NOT get your picture taken with President Obama.". Read here .

As is evidenced by the past ten days, the Teflon has began to peel. The Slow Learners Union of America (those who voted for Obama) has abandoned the ship.The mainstream media has filed for divorce. The world stage has discovered the clothes have no emperor.

Effectively, you Mr. President quit on us. You now resort only to divisive rhetoric and recycled, failed plans. Any chance that you would ever negotiate, compromise and unite this country ended months after you were inaugurated when you boasted "I won!". Obamacare, Stimulus, Libya--ZERO consultation with Republicans, yet you continue to expect their participation? You chose to ignore decades of economic evidence and forged your own disastrous, but yet predictable, path. Your self-serving, narcissistic personality has convinced you that you could sell a ketchup Popsicle to a bride in her gown. You alone own the stain on the American economy.

It's time for President Barack Hussein Obama to do something unimaginable-- ANNOUNCE HE WILL NOT BE RUNNING FOR REELECTION!

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