Friday, September 30, 2011

Just like my wife....

What's a mother to do? Apparently, none of Moochelle's 24 assistants were available, so she had to haul herself to Target to pick up a few things. Of course, she also had to drag the 5 armor-coated SUVs and a couple of dozen special agents cause nothing says "cost savings" like being escorted by your full compliment of Federal agents with you to Target!

Imagine the conversation that preceded this visit. "Well Michelle, you have really come off as a pompous, arrogant biatch so we need to arrange something to enhance your image as a commoner." Her response "Well, Nieman Marcus has a clearance rack."

Oh, and what are the odds of an Associated Press photographer coincidentally arriving at the same time?. Somewhere between slim and none. But what skills he has staging this photo op-- Ms. Michelle O'thrifty, those bags you are carrying---uhh, they go in the cart. I know sweetheart, it's been awhile. And speaking of, as the Queen of Green, why are you in possession of those plastic bags? And does Barry know you are in a non-union store?

What would have been hilarious would be the store pulling its security video and seeing all of the dark suit personnel with their ear pieces scurrying around the aisles dodging all of the real, thrifty moms and their strollers as Michelle wandered aimlessly pretending she was highly focused on Target merchandise. Rumor has it this photo here was on the video feed.

Yes folks, they are just like us. Well, except when she is wearing $42,000 of jewelry at a fundraiser...or when she is wearing her Recession Wear $540 sneakers at a soup kitchen...or when she is taking an $80,000 per day vacation..yes, Michelle, the queen of coupon clippers!

What is more disheartening than the staged photo op is the belief Michelle thinks she is fooling us. All staged, all a fraud, all a facade. But, who can blame her realizing she fooled 52% of America 3 years ago.

477 days....Bullseye!

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