Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Feeling the Summer time blogging blues....

When you don't feel like writing, then cheat, and steal someone elses work. Here is a 3 minute video on the destruction of the United States over the past 30 months.

Thanks goes out to the 52% of the 2008 voting public along with our nation's journalists propagandists who thought it was a brilliant idea to install a leader puppet of (once) the most powerful country in the world who had zero business experience, zero leadership experience and zero military experience all to exonerate their white guilt. Yes, the same 52% who are now shocked over the zero results, but feel 100% better because they voted for a man of color.

And no, I am not being a racist. I am a huge fan of Alan West and Herman Cain. I asbolutely could support either them as a GOP 2012 nominee. Cain/West 2012.

What is astonishing is after seeing that video he still polls at 50% for "Personal Favorability". Translated, seems like a good guy to grab a cold one with, but rest assured he will stick you with the tab.

To conclude, with the continuous down spiral since he took office, I have only 2 hypotheses left:
  1. Obama is incompetent.
  2. Obama knows what he is doing and is deliberately destroying the country.
Pick your evil.

571 days....

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