Monday, October 10, 2011

OWS (Occupy the Wrong Street)

Anyone else been looking for the 60's offspring--done think I have found them. Every OWS picture I have seen looks like Woodstock sans the downpour.

Their stated goal was to organize themselves in the fashion of the known conservative group, The TEA Party. Well, they were close, except the name should be changed to The TEAT party.

Take some WTH meds before you consume this 2 minute video. If you have ever wanted to know what South Park looks like with humans playing the leading roles, here you go, ENJOY!

So inspiring ain't it? Seriously, what is up with repeating chants. I went to an OWS rally and a wedding vow broke out...or something. What mindless drivel.

Occupy Wall Street? Uhhh, how about Occupying the Wrong Street. Perhaps you misfits should head over to the evil corporation Garmin website and get yourself a GPS and figure out how to get to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Speaking of the White House, who loves them the Occupiers? Barrack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. What the mainstream media, whose articles about OWS outnumber the actual protesters, won't reveal is Obama himself has collected more money from Wall Street than any other president in the past 20 years. In addition, Queen Nan is married to Paul who is an-- d r u m r o l l--  INVESTMENT BANKER. Much of his wealth was attributed to selling evil corporations Apple and Cisco stock pocketing almost $3 million dollars last year. Utter hypocrisy.

Anyone else notice the timing? Just as the Solyndra scandal is getting legs as is the entire Fast and Furious debacle,  seemingly out of nowhere, the Community Organizer in Chief is able to launch his Neanderthal street festivals. Coincidence? Doubtful.

I think Herman Cain, my guy (right now) for Pres. 2012 said it best, "the movement is comprised of jealous Americans who play the victim card and want to take somebody else’s Cadillac."  He added "Occupy Wall Street is merely a distraction so that many people won’t focus on the failed policies of the Obama administration.” Essentially, the chant is "What do we want, we don't know".."When do we want it...NOW".

To conclude, I really don't get it. Who owns the largest insurance company in America? Who is the biggest land owner in the USA? Who runs the biggest retirement plan in America? Who bailed out those evil banks? Car companies? Who allowed the credit swaps to the behemoth mortgage companies that started the downfall ? That would be the EVIL FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

468 days left, or for this group, 10 showers.

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