Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bachelor's Degree in Failed Politics

The President is in Colorado coincidentally a swing state today campaigning announcing his new effort to get votes school loan modification program. The only supportive population he has left, the Stupid Vote, will certainly be drooling over the Emperor who chose to, once again, side-step Congress on an issue.

Yes, these po, po students who agreed to the conditions of a loan when they began their pursuit of their diploma with a major in Bowling Industry Management and a minor in Marijuana Cultivation now whining about their school debt being forgiven due to their inability to obtain a job in their field of study. Ya think?

A President that has not taken any responsibility for his actions and administration is now teaching our youth that they do not have to take responsibility for their actions. Our future looks great.

But, as is evidenced in this recent poll, 66% of Americans are opposed to this idea of easing their loan obligations. Once again, President Contrariran code three to the rescue! A Cash for Clunkers program with a tassel, AWESOME!

The amount at risk: $1 trillion in outstanding school loans. Who is at risk of paying it back: the 53% of Americans who pay taxes. Just because Pres. Food Stamp wants to forgive your debt, does not mean the debt goes away. It simply becomes the burden of the rest of us.

The MIA mainstream media will not challenge President Candyman on a single point. What is the most obvious question that needs to be asked of him as he rants about saving them money so they can "start up their own businesses, buy a home, have children"-- how much will the average student save per month under the new guidelines? Per an analysis at this link, LESS THAN $10 per month! Instead, we have the media saying "Hey, look over there, the Michael Jackson trial!"

You mopes want free tuition-- do 8 years in the military-- problem solved.

The real issue with school debt escalation--an average annual 8% tuition inflation rate, not to mention exorbitant book fees. Why not address that Pres. Precious? Oh, that's right, academia overwhelmingly supports a Democrat's agenda. Case closed.

Who are these kids? Hey, the same ones who are rioting in Oakland and Atlanta --that's right, liberal protesters in liberal cities run by liberal local government, all being tear-gassed last night at their Occupy I Wanna Freebie movement. And, who owns these "Occupiers"--that would be Barack Hussein Obama who on October 18th stated "In some ways, they’re not that different from some of the protests that we saw coming from the Tea Party". See a video of their "just like Tea Party" behavior right here.

I want to start my own movement, #OccupyMensa, so I can complain of the intellectual gap in this country. Will you join me? Unlike Wall Street, I was thinking of Colfax Ave in Denver as a starting point.

Liberty is the right to make whatever legal choices you want - good or bad.  You want to smoke?  Inhale! Drink?  Imbibe!  Become morbidly obese?  McD's drive-thru!  Go to school to get a degree in a field that is not paying so well?  Apply!  It's your life, you're responsible for it.  You - not me, not your parents, not some mythical village, not the rest of the nation. DON'T ASK ME (or whine to the government to force me) TO PAY FOR YOUR CHOICES.

In closing, I finished college with zero debt. Yes, I had to humbly deliver flowers and tutor other students, so be it. My wife had a school loan that we paid off early. My oldest son graduated debt-free and my youngest, at most, may have to borrow money for his senior year from the Hallock Foundation for Unemployed Children. Amazingly, we all chose majors in fields that we might have a chance to be employed by and none have us have ever thought of walking away from an agreement we made. Yes, our family is the new minority in America, the responsible.

451 days until the Federal government school loan modificatin program handouts expire.

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