Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Return to Blogging- 2011

This wouldn't have been needed if Facebook did not limit one to 420 characters :)

The purpose: a place to expel my pent up feelings about the deceit of today's administration and the complete uselessness of the 'alphabet media' (NBC, ABC, CBS, etc). My wife probably believes this will also benefit my blood pressure.

Format: To write it at a 6th grade level, not to insult your intelligence, but to keep your interest and understanding of the topic. Politicians master in confusion, resulting in your disinterest and prompting you to go out and vote how your daddy taught you.

Political leanings: First, I am NOT a registered Republican nor a Tea Party member, although my values certainly concur more with them than the alternative. Although I appreciate her candidness, moxie and family values, I will not be supporting Sarah Palin for any effort to win the GOP Presidential nomination and would even be open to a look at Evan Byah, former Democratic governor of Indiana. Are we green--yup, 100% fiscally conservative! Oh--the other green--well, we raise our own chickens, have 2 gardens, collect our rainwater, line dry our clothes and have a compost bin, so yes, a light shade of green. So, call me a tweener right-leaner!

Goal: To awaken you for November 2012 so we do not repeat our mistake of 2008.

There, I double-checked, nothing a 12 year old could not understand....let's get it started!


  1. I'll be reading your postings...

  2. Welcome back to the blogshere - looking forward to your idea, incites and rants. :)
