Sunday, January 2, 2011

Obama Christmas Playcation- great time, YOUR dime

Pres Obama: Hey MeShell, Malia, Natasha-- over here. What would you all think of a Hawaiian Christmas vacation at a luxury estate?

Malia: Daddy, can we really afford that? Will you be using part of the $5 million from your book sales to pay for this?

Pres Obama:Well honey, I actually spent most of that money for attorney fees protecting the release of my birth certificate and college transcripts.

Malia: So how do we pay for it daddy? You promised the people you were going to be a different kind of president, daddy. Please don't tell me the American people are paying for OUR family Christmas vacation at a PRIVATE home for TEN days.

Pres Obama: Malia, don't you have some homework?

Malia: Daddy, I am on Christmas break.

Pres Obama: Malia, go help your mom tend to the garden.

Malia: Daddy, it's winter-- we don't have a garden.

Door slams...Obama exits I-pod playing "Moving on up to the east side, we finally got our piece of the pie"..

Let's count the ways in which this trip is beyond absurd:
  1. 10 day KNOWN cost is $1.4 million dollars. The unknown costs include pre-arrival security assessments, travel abroad for early arriving staffers, office rental, security enhancements for the public nature of the rental property, etc.
  2. The actual locale reeks of pompousness. We are talking about a 7,000 square foot private home with 5 bedrooms, 5 baths and lagoon-style pool that rents at an average of $3500  daily. Why could he not have stayed at a nearby military base at a much lower cost and more secure, as did Pres.Clinton? Simple, in his mindset, he is royalty.
  3. Perhaps the most insane part of this trip--Queen MeShell desired to leave a couple days early and would not wait for Air Force One and her husband. The cost, at minimum, was estimated to be $63,000 (that is way too low), to get herself and kiddos on the tropical island 2 days early in a separate quasi-737 jet! May I remind you, these are the folks who tell you they are concerned about their carbon footprint.
  4. Let's step aside and concede the opposing viewpoint of "well Dave, all Presidents spend this kind of money for vacation travel". How about the decency angle. Unless all of his travel team are hand-picked orphans, would it not be the more compassionate route to allow his staffers and security entourage to enjoy the holiday period with THEIR families? Seriously. Why did they simply not stay in D.C. or head over to Camp David--something the elder Bush and Clinton managed. Or could he not have done something as reasonable as Dubya did, head home!
  5. As of November 2010, we had 15.1 million people unemployed-- what kind of holiday season did they have? Who on July 26, 2010 said "As the first couple, we are not that far removed from what most Americans are going through.”? The optics on this are terrible. So hey there Mr. Unemployed, enjoy slurping up your Ramen soup from that bowl your wife shoplifted at the thrift store while the Presidential family snacks on shrimp cocktails and hangs ten with the locals.
  6. The final kicker--he arrives, and, of course, wants to EXTEND his vacation another 2 days-- ante up some coin you peasants!                                             
Oh yes, he’s a real stickler for careful spending, that Obama.  Stay there and save us a ton of bank. And, while you are disrupting local traffic flow, swing by the Dept of Health's office and see the Birth records clerk at window number 3, Gov. Abercrombie has a long form awaiting you.

Malia for (school) President!

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