Monday, March 7, 2011

Get Me The Handcuffs-- NOW !

Hello, Katie? Ms. Sawyer? Is Mr. Williams in? *Crickets* ....must be too busy checking in on Charlie Sheen's Twitter account...

Let me set up this simple analogy before we delve into yet another fraud perpetrated by this administration. You enter a grocery store and fill up your cart with food items. You grab a second cart and load it up with hygiene and toiletries. The clerk informs you the food cart totals $100 and then proceeds to total your non-food cart and, likewise, it totals $100. You hand the clerk a $100 bill and tell her "Hey, that's for BOTH carts". Do you think there will be an issue when you exit the store? Not if you are President Obama or his Health/Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

Before you roll the video here is what took place last week. Under oath, Ms. Sebelius had to admit to  "cooking the books". Up to this point, the administration had refused to answer to their accounting gimmickry. In one piece of the ObamaCare legislation, their claim was they were going to save $500 billion dollars in Medicare and use it to make Medicare more solvent--shore up the balance sheet, make the funding last longer, etc. They also had indicated the full Medicare $500 billion savings would be used to implement Obamacare. Well, as the clerk at the grocery store would have said, which one do you want me to apply the money to? It is a "one or the other option", unless you use Democratic math. Make sure you watch Ms. Sebelius facial reaction when she has to confess "BOTH".

For the record, the Medicare actuary called them out on their Fiscal Voodoo last year, read here. Rep. Paul Ryan called out the Pres.on this very issue, as well, and Obama had his usual "guys I have never even ran a lemon-aide stand" look--watch here

The American public was led to believe Embalm-O'Care was going to save us $130 billion over a 10 year period. Now you know how--by calling $1 trillion dollars a half-trillion, thanks to the administration's C.P.A, David Copperfield. With their own admission during this hearing, you must now add back $500 billion dollars resulting in a DEFICIT of $370 billion!

This kind of legislative fraud begs many questions:

*WHY. WAS. MS. SEBELIUS. NOT. LED. OUT. OF. THE. HEARING. IN. HANDCUFFS? (I am sure Spike Lee needs a roommate).
* Now that we have this on record with clear knowledge Pres. PantLoad as an accomplice (see Paul Ryan video), why should we not begin impeachment proceedings?
* Why should the Act not be immediately repealed based now upon confirmed falsifying of data?
* When will the Pres. meet and announce its annulment as the Act no longer is cost neutral?
* When will the GOP-controlled House demand the CBO re-score their document?
* Why should Bernie Madoff not be released from prison--his ponzi scheme only victimized to the tune of $18 billion?

In conclusion, perhaps I should include a note in my tax return: Uncle Sammy, please apply my 2010 taxes to my 2011 return. See you in 2012.  Yours truly, Obama disciple...

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