Thursday, March 24, 2011

International Quagmire

Operation Odyssey Dawn is under way. First question-- if this mission is going to take "days", why would you name it Odyssey? Seriously, does not odyssey have an element of something being 'extended' -- can we get us a Dictionary Czar?

In addressing Libya, President Lightworker couldn't help himself as he had to get a dig against Bush while in Chile, all in his usual effort to prop up his narcissism. The President declared: “In the past there have been times when the United States acted unilaterally or did not have full international support, and as a consequence typically it was the United States military that ended up bearing the entire burden.”

Once again, simply another lie brought forward by the President that the Presstitutes at ABC, CBS and NBC will overlook. The simple fact: in Iraq's Shock and Awe mission, we had THIRTY other countries join us. In Libya, for Obama's Aw Shucks intervention, sixteen other nations are participating. Ahh yes, how the mainstream media has graduated from writing cover stories to authoring cover-up stories.

What's next from the media and the administration? "This is really not a war" --mark my words. This smart power group also brought us Overseas Contingency Operation (war on terror) and Man Caused Disasters (terrorist attack). Oh, and my favorite: Patient Affordability Care Act (Obamacare). Think about it folks-- if it's not war, then we are terrorists, there is nothing in between when you are hurling cruise missiles across the skies.

In a Reuter's poll just released today, only 17% of the folk believe Obama is a 'strong and decisive military' leader. WHAT? In a poll conducted by yours truly, 100% of those surveyed believe 17% of Americans are imbeciles.

Bottom line- the only thought scarier than Barack Hussein Obama and a complicit media leading us into war would be Kirstie Alley in a tight dress doing the Cha Cha Cha on Dancing With The Stars-- oh, wait. I mean woah--was I the only one concerned she might trigger another after shock in Japan? Mix in a salad girlfriend!

On a serious note, as we move forward with Operation Princess Rainbow Sparkly Unicorn, keep our military warriors in your prayers as this my dear readers is a rudderless mission. God forbid we have to hand out any Purple Hearts, I mean Lavender Cardio-Decor.

668 more days...

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