Thursday, March 31, 2011

Obama Secretly Receives An Anti-Secrecy Award

(April Fools' Eve)

I have an award I want to give out...what should I call it-- hummm...let me look at some accomplishments and then maybe something relevant will pop in my head:

* Won't release long form birth certificate
* Refuse to share college transcript
* Will not reveal health records
* No CSPAN coverage of Health Care hearings, as promised
* To avoid the Senate confirmation process, hire highly-paid Czars
* Cover up the job losses created by his Gulf oil drilling moratorium
* Call failed Stimulus Act "job stimulation" when you know it was nothing more than a state welfare act
* When media requests data on Federal agencies pursuant to Freedom of Info Act, deny them
* Won't post legislation on line for 5 days, as promised
* Meets with lobbyists at private locations so they won't show up on the White House registry
* Administration refuses to turn over docs on the "Gunwalking" scandal that killed I.C.E. agent
* Authorize secret support for Libyan rebels
* Commit troops to WAR without Congressional authorization under the guise of NATO support mission

Oh, I do believe the name is coming to me-- The Transparency Award. That is correct, a group (of progressive zealots) that concerns itself with 'open government' announced Obama is deserving of this achievment, read here. Guess who was the kingpin of the organization who provided the recognition--George Soros, Obama's personal ATM machine. Surprise.

If that wasn't enough humor to kill you, then contemplate the fact the meeting was held behind closed doors and the press was prohibited! Since the media was banned, rumor has it the figurine on the trophy was that of an empty suit. Surely he will place this award next to his Nobel Peace Prize on his trophy shelf labeled "My Most Undeserving Moments As President".

Seriously folks--did I miss a Tweet? Was the U.S.A. renamed to the Twilight Zone? Bizarro World? The only thing transparent about King Opaque is his brain. Hey, but from the party who gave you the "every kid gets a ribbon" movement, I am really not surprised. When Pres.Van Ity gets a bad news poll like he did yesterday, out comes the trophy--all to make Hopey feel better about himself.

In somewhat related news today, the clueless at 1600 Hope and Change Avenue have approached Major League Baseball on opening day and requested they name the Cy Young Award winner today in hope of motivating that particular player to an exceptional year.

and to the 63 million who voted for Obama, tomorrow is a national holiday for you....

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